Home Weight Loss 8 Weight Loss Diet Tips That You Should Never Miss

8 Weight Loss Diet Tips That You Should Never Miss


Following a specific weight loss diet is never easy if you are not used to controlling your eating habits, your portions, and your food selections. Make this challenge easier by following these tips.


1. Never Starve Yourself.

Many people still believe that starving themselves is the fastest and surest way to lose weight. The good news is that people do lose weight from starvation, but the bad news is that half of the weight they lose comes from muscle mass, not fat.

When there’s insufficient calories and nutrients from the little amount of food you eat, the body automatically activates “starvation mode.” In this mode, your biological system considers your body to be under real starvation, so it will adjust automatically to prolong your life. As this happens, metabolism slows down to allow the body the conserve as much energy as possible.

You probably think that it is okay since you eat less anyway, but it is not. Your muscles are the engines of your metabolism. You lose half of them when you starve yourself. Every pound of muscle burns approximately 50 calories each day. Imagine how much calories you could have burned if you are able to retain and increase the muscle mass you have.

If you want to lose weight the healthy way, cut back on calories but always give what your body needs.

2. Do not Skip Breakfast.

A healthy weight loss diet always includes breakfast, which is widely considered as the most important meal of the day. True enough, according to one German study, people who eat breakfast every day are more likely to succeed with their weight loss efforts for two main reasons.

First, breakfast is necessary to stabilize and boost metabolism for the whole day. It triggers the body to function normally to process and use up the calories and nutrients from food.

Second, breakfast energizes a person, making him more physically and mentally active for the whole day. You burn more calories when you are more active. Thus, you lose more weight.

3. Eat “fast-served” Foods for Breakfast.

It all boils down to what foods to eat for breakfast. Avoid eating protein too early because it will only make you feel full but will not supply you the necessary nutrients to feel active for the whole day. The absorption of protein takes time, and while it is necessary for muscle building, you have to prioritize the foods that can energize you before starting your day.

The best foods to eat for breakfast are the “fast-served” ones, or the ones that do not take long to prepare yet are rich in amino acids and fiber. They include oatmeal, whole wheat, banana, and apple.

4. Add Oil to Your Daily Weight Loss Diet.

Not just any oil at that but omega-3 fatty acid. This healthy oil has a lot of uses in the body, which is why it gets consumed fast and not stored as fat under the skin. It boosts the oxygen level in the blood and brain, making the heart healthier and in effect strengthens the muscle tissues and rejuvenates the skin.

Some studies have linked omega-3 fatty acid to higher energy levels and faster metabolism. Some scientists have also observed how this fat improves the secretion of leptin, a chemical that suppresses appetite.

The best sources of omega-3 fatty acid are saltwater fatty fishes, flaxseed oil, and nuts.

5. Rehydrate Regularly Even if You Do Not Feel Thirsty.

Many people wait to feel thirsty before they drink. However, thirst is not a signal that says you have to drink. It is a signal that your body is already dehydrated. It inevitably comes with a lot of consequences, such as low energy, poor blood circulation, and slow metabolism. In fact, your metabolism slows down by 3% (equivalent to 60 calories gained per day if you weigh 200 pounds) when you are dehydrated.

Unfortunately, many people avoid rehydrating while working out because they feel heavy and bloated. They also do not like the cooling effect of water, which makes it hard for them to warm up and sweat again.

You do not have to drink a whole glass every hour or so. It is better if you take a sip as often as you can just to prevent dehydration.

6. Avoid Eating Too Much At Night.

A lot of dietitians recommend early dinner or any time before 7:00 PM. Many celebrities do follow this rule, like Oprah Winfrey. The reason behind this is because metabolism slows down when you sleep. The excess calories that you eat at night are not burned right away, so most of them are stored instead.

Here are best Times to have your meal during the day :

7. Eat Five or Six Meals A Day Instead of Three Big Ones.

A special weight loss diet might require you to fill your meals with a particular nutrient or to have meal replacements like smoothies. However, you can lose weight without following any special diet if you will divide your meals into five or six smaller ones.

Several studies have already refuted earlier claims that splitting meals into five or six smaller ones boost metabolism. However, it can still be beneficial if you have an overactive appetite. Eating smaller meals prevents hunger, which usually leads to overeating on the next meal or bingeing on delicious calorie-rich snacks. You basically eat the same amount of calories like you would with three main meals without the need to snack and without the risk if giving in to your hunger pangs.

8. Eat Only When You Feel Hungry.

Most people do not know this, but overeating is a prevalent problem experienced even by those who are not overweight and obese. People eat for three reasons: out of hunger, out of boredom, and out of habit. They eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner normally because they are hungry. They eat midnight snacks normally out of boredom. They eat extra snacks between meals out of habit. Out of these reasons, you might only be able to burn the calories you gain from the foods you eat because of hunger. The rest are converted into fat.


All in all, you have to discipline yourself when it comes to your eating habits. By doing the right thing every time, your success in shedding pounds should be guaranteed.



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